Sunday, November 15, 2020

"In An Hour When You Think Not, The SON Of Man Will Come."

Ready or not!
(John Fawcett, "The Important Journey from this World to the Next" 1774)

This is a journey which may be near at hand. 

"I am this day going the way of all the earth." 

For anything we know, the journey 

may be just before us--

there may be but a step 

between us and death!

We have perpetual admonitions respecting 

the shortness and uncertainty of life. 

The Word and the ministers of GOD 

unitedly call our attention to those subjects, 

and we ought earnestly to pray that the LORD 

would teach us to number our days, that 

we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. 

"Show me, O LORD, my life's end and 

the number of my days; let me know 

how fleeting is my life." Psalm 39:4

Our days are but a span, a hand-

breadth, an inch or two of time.

Life is but a vapor that appears for 

a little season, and then vanishes away.

Life is but like a flower of the field, which 

quickly fades, withers and dies away.

Our breath is in our nostrils, ever ready 

to depart, and any motion of our lungs 

may be the last.

While the man is vainly dreaming of years 

of felicity on earth, GOD says unto him, 

"You foolish mortal, this night shall 

your soul be required of you!"

(Luke 12:20) 

Thus the words of inspiration are verified: 

"In an hour when you think not, 

the SON of man will come." 

(Matthew 24:44) 

The living know that they must die. 

All men are sensible that they must go 

on this journey sooner or later, but 

the general part of mankind consider 

it as at a considerable distance.

What numbers do we hear of who are 

cut off by sudden death! Many are called 

to set out on this journey at a moment's 

warning. The darksome messenger comes, 

and they must go, whether they are 

prepared or not. Ready or not, the summons 

must be obeyed; whether they are busy 

or indolent, active or negligent--

they must immediately set out 

on this important journey. The call 

is often given at an unexpected moment.

You must soon leave all the pleasures, 

endearments, and advantages 

of your present state--

and launch forth into an unknown eternity! 

Oh that every one in this assembly may 

leave here under a deep conviction that 

his journey of death may be very near! 

Then he will begin to be seriously 

attentive to everlasting things, and will 

no longer trifle with GOD and with 

the eternal interests of his own soul.

If we are the children of GOD--

then it is a journey to Heaven, 

to the regions of immortal light and 

felicity; to "a house not made with 

hands, eternal in the heavens."

But if we are the children of the wicked one--

then it is a journey to Hell, to the abodes 

of darkness, horror, and black despair, 

"prepared for the devil, and his angels." 

The broad way of self-indulgence, 

folly and wickedness--

most certainly leads to eternal 

damnation. Can we conceive 

anything more dreadful than 

the doom of a dying sinner? 

To be driven from the presence of 

CHRIST as accursed, and to be 

consigned to everlasting misery--

who can for one moment bear the thought! 

If a man knows himself to be in danger 

of this, in danger every hour, every moment--

should he not eagerly and earnestly cry out, 

"What must I do to be saved!"

(Acts 16:30b)

Oh what a solemn journey is that which 

we have before us! A journey to eternity, 

a journey which will bring us where we 

must be, not for an age only, but for

 millions of ages, more millions of ages 

than there are sands on the sea shore; 

more millions of ages than there are blades 

of grass on the surface of the earth; more 

millions of ages than there are atoms 

in the universe!

May our hearts be dead to all earthly 

good. May our affections be set on things 

above, and our thoughts be in Heaven--

that better country to which we are going, 

and where we will dwell forever.


 ~  ~  ~  ~

GraceGems has published John Fawcett's helpful 15 page article, 

"The Important Journey from this World to the Next".

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