Saturday, November 14, 2020

". . .Forgive As The LORD Forgave You.. . ."

Beware of the dog!

(John Angell James, "Christian Fellowship" 1822)

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"Be completely humble and gentle; 

be patient, bearing with one another 

in love." Ephesians 4:2

There are some people whose 

feelings are like dry straw--

kindled into a blaze in a moment, 

by the least spark which has been 

purposely or accidentally thrown upon it. 

A word, or a look--

s in some cases quite enough to be 

considered a very serious injury! 

It is a common thing for such people 

to excuse themselves on the ground that 

"their feelings are so delicate"--

that they are offended by the least touch! 

This is a humiliating confession, 

for it is acknowledging that instead of 

being like the oak of the forest, which

laughs at the tempest, and is unmoved 

by the tread of the wild boar--

they resemble the sensitive plant, 

a little squeamish shrub, which 

trembles before the breeze, and 

shrivels and contracts beneath 

the pressure of a tiny insect!

Delicate feelings? In plain English, 

this means that they are petulant, 

irritable and peevish! 

I would like to have a sign hung 

around the neck of such people--

and it would be this, 

"Beware of the dog!"

We should never allow ourselves 

to be offended, until, at least, we 

are sure that offense was intended; 

and this is really not so often as 

we are apt to conclude. 

Had we but patience to wait, or 

humility to inquire, we would find 

that many hurtful things were 

done by mistake, which we are 

prone to attribute to design. 

How often do we violate that love 

which thinks no evil and which 

imperatively demands of us 

to attribute a good motive 

to another's conduct--

until a bad motive is proved!

Let us then deliberately determine, 

that, by GOD grace, we will not be 

easily offended. If such a resolution 

were generally made and kept, 

offenses would cease. 

Let us first ascertain whether offense 

was intended, before we allow the least 

emotion of anger to be indulged. And 

even then, when we have proved that 

the offense was committed on purpose, 

let us next ask ourselves whether it is 

necessary to notice it. 

What wise man will think it worth while 

when an insect has stung him, to pursue 

it all day in order to punish the aggressor?

"Therefore, as GOD'S chosen people, 

holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves 

with compassion, kindness, humility, 

gentleness and patience. Bear with each

 other and forgive whatever grievances 

you may have against one another. 

Forgive as the LORD forgave you. 

And over all these virtues put on love, 

which binds them all together 

in perfect unity." Colossians 3:12-14 

   ~  ~  ~  ~

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