Monday, November 16, 2020

LORD, Help Us Stay Away From This Idol - Wealth.

The idol of our day!

(John Angell James, "The Young Man's Friend 

and Guide through Life to Immortality")

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One of the evils of our age is an excessive 

love of pleasure, which leads to self-indulgence, 

and indisposes the mind for sober thought 

and true piety. 

Love of pleasure is one of the growing 

tendencies of the day in which we live, 

and threatens infinite damage to 

the present and eternal welfare 

of mankind, by bringing on an age 

of frivolity, sensuality and 

'practical atheism'.

Find your pleasure, young men . . .
  in the improvement of your mind,
  in attention to duties,
  in true piety, and
  in active benevolence.
Is there not scope enough 

for enjoyment here?

Excessive worldliness is another 

of the dangers of this age. In our 

wealthy and materialistic country, 

there is most imminent peril of sinking 

into the mere worldling, and living only 

to get wealth. Never was there so great 

a danger of having . . .
  the conscience benumbed,
  moral principles prostrated,
  the heart rendered callous,
  the intellect emptied of its strength--

as in the age in which we live!

Wealth is the idol of our day! 

Without watchfulness and prayer, 

you are in danger of . . .
  bowing devoutly at its shrine,
  becoming its worshipers, and
  immolating your souls as 

a burnt-offering on its altars!

"Son of man, these men have set up 

idols in their hearts and put wicked 

stumbling blocks before their faces!" 

Ezekiel 14:3

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