Saturday, November 21, 2020

"Redeeming The Time, Because The Days Are Evil."

So much time thrown away on these elegant trifles!

(John Angell James, "Female Piety; The Young Woman's Guide 

through Life to Immortality", Chapter 5. Christian Zeal)

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"Redeeming the time, because 

the days are evil." Eph. 5:16

There are three things which, if lost, can 

never be recovered: time, the soul, and 

an opportunity.

In order to be useful, it is necessary 

to cultivate habits of order, punctuality, 

and the right employment of time.

There is no doing good without 

the proper use of time.

Two things cannot be done at once. 

Benevolent service requires time. 

And how much time is wasted, which 

the miseries and needs of society require! 

"Redeem the time!" 

is a warning that should ever 

be sounding in our ears!

We need time for the improvement 

of our own souls--

and we need it for the good of others

We can do much with a proper use of time--

and nothing without it. There is scarcely 

anything to which the injunction of our LORD 

more strictly applies than to time: 

"Gather up the fragments that 

nothing be lost." (John 6:12c)

Order redeems time, so does punctuality--

therefore order and punctuality are ways 

of supplying the time necessary for 

the exercise of deeds of mercy.

Redeem time from useless reading, 

and other selfish entertainments--

and also from that excessive addictedness 

to the worldly accomplishments of music, 

arts, and fancy craft-works, which are so 

characteristic of the present day. That some 

portion of time may be given to these 

things is admitted. 

I am not for parting with the exquisite 

polish which skill in these matters 

imparts to female elegance. I love to 

see the decorations of female mind 

and manners. 

Of this I may have to speak again 

in a future chapter, and therefore 

shall merely now enquire--

when the cries of misery are entering 

into her ears, and the groans of creation 

are arising all around her; when countless 

millions abroad are living and dying without 

the light of the gospel and the hope of salvation; 

when at our own doors will be found so many 

passing in ignorance and wickedness 

to their eternal destinies--

is it humane for a Christian woman 

to spend so much precious time 

each day over her knitting, crotchet, 

or embroidery work? 

As she sits plying those needles, 

and bringing out, it may be, 

the tasteful design, hour after hour--

does she never hear the cry 

of human woe, 

"Come over and help us!"

(Acts 16:9c)

Does it never occur to her, how many 

souls have gone into eternity unprepared 

to meet their GOD, since she took her chair 

and commenced her daily entertainment?

Or, even leaving out of view the employment 

of her time for deeds of mercy to others

is it not an afflicting sight to behold 

so much time thrown away 

on these elegant trifles, which 

might be employed in cultivating 

one's own mind and heart, by 

reading useful Christian literature?

You cannot, systematically, do good 

either to yourself or others, without 

redeeming time for the purpose!

"So teach us to number our days aright, 

that we may gain a heart of wisdom." 

Psalm 90:12

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