Tuesday, November 24, 2020

LORD Help Us To Set Our Minds On Things Above.

The domestic slave

(John Angell James, "Female Piety--

The Young Woman's Guide Through Life to Immortality")

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There are various kinds of slavery 

in the world, and many classes of 

victims of this cruel bondage. There is 

among others, the domestic slave

whose tyrant is her husband--

and the scene of her 

bondage is her home

His stinginess allows her scanty supplies 

for bare necessities. His selfishness is so 

engrossing and exacting, that his demands 

for his own personal ease and indulgence 

are incessant, and leave her no time for 

the consideration of her own comfort. 

His disposition is so bad, that all her 

diligence to please are unavailing 

to give him satisfaction, or to avert 

the sallies of his irritability, 

discontent, and complaints. 

When such a man protests against 

Negro-slavery, let him begin the work 

of emancipation at home, by raising 

the oppressed woman he holds 

in bondage there, from 

the condition of a drudge--

into the station of a wife!

But there are also many sad cases 

in which the slavery is self-imposed! 

The bondage comes from the wife 

herself! The husband would 

gladly release her--

but she will not let him!

Some are slaves to neatness--

and make their fidgety anxiety about 

this matter a misery to themselves 

and all around them!

Others are slaves to fashion--

and are always anxious and troubled 

about elegance and refinement!

Others are slaves to domestic display, 

parties and amusements--

and are always full of anxiety about 

making a splendid appearance!

Others are slaves to frugality--

and are ever vexing themselves 

to economize!

In these ways women will torment 

themselves and fill their minds with 

unnecessary cares and self-imposed 

troubles! To all such we say, 

"Martha, Martha, you are anxious 

and troubled about so many things!"

(Luke 10:41b)

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