Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Come And Enter With Me Into The Private Chambers Of Our LORD.

The KING'S Chambers!
(Frank Hall)
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"The KING has brought me into 

HIS chambers!" Song of Songs 1:4 

Come and enter with me into the private 

chambers of our LORD and let us enjoy 

the rich, spiritual splendors of our 


Enter in child of GOD, and marvel with 

me at the ornate, soul cheering luxuries 

of these gospel chambers. 

HIS heavenly furnishings, decor, curtains, 

and tapestries are the most extravagant 

beauties you have ever seen. They cost 

a king's ransom; for the KING purchased 

each one with HIS own precious blood. 

Look up, down, and all around and 

you will notice that every wall is white, 

seamless, spotless, and pure. 

Righteousness is the color 

of choice in these stately halls. 

The floors are firm, unshakable, 

and clear as crystal--

built from the sweat, blood, tears, 

and labor of the KING HIMSELF. 

Do you see the stairs--

how shimmering, brilliant, and bright. 

Each step was quarried from Mount 

Calvary and is an everlasting memorial 

to a journey once made by the KING that 

HE will never make again; for it was at 

Calvary that HIS people crucified HIM 

as the unwanted JESUS.

Look there in the corner--

do you see that golden chest covered 

with love and encrusted with glory? 

That's where the KING keeps HIS most 

treasured possession, a precious book that 

HIS FATHER gave to HIM ages ago--

The LAMB'S Book of Life

Long ago, before the earth, moon, and 

stars adorned the heavens, the KING'S 

FATHER took the sovereign pen of eternal 

election in HIS hand and inscribed in 

everlasting ink the names of a precious few. 

These are the names of the royal seed, 

the KING'S precious children, those whom 

HE loves, for whom HE died, for whom HE 

reigns as KING over all. 

To these elect ones the KING sends HIS SPIRIT. 

To them HE gives the gift of faith that they too 

might be brought into these royal chambers 

and stately halls. These believing ones, like us, 

are brought here by the KING. 

They come as we have come--

to refresh ourselves, to enjoy, to marvel, 

and to bask in the secret wonders of the KING'S 

redeeming love, everlasting mercy, and 

immutable purpose of grace and salvation!

   ~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"


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