Saturday, December 19, 2020

LORD, Enable Us To Cling Firmly To YOUR Cross. AMEN.

We meekly knock at mercy's gate

(Henry Law, "Family Prayers")

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"All of us have become like something unclean, 

and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; 

all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities 

carry us away like the wind!" Isaiah 64:6

Holy FATHER, Almighty GOD,
We feel our weakness, our ignorance, 

our deep corruptions. We meekly 

knock at mercy's gate

Regard us in tender love--

for JESUS' sake. 

Bend down YOUR ear--

and grant YOUR smile.

We are blind--

be our light.

We are ignorant--

be our wisdom.

We are steeped in selfishness--

pluck all SELF out of us.

In the deep sense of our guilt, 

we fly for refuge into 

the wounded side of JESUS!

Be merciful, be merciful unto us--

whose only hope is in YOUR 

unfailing mercy.

Our sins rise higher than the heavens--

but YOUR merits in our behalf surpass 

the very heaven of heavens!

Our unrighteousness would 

weigh us down to hell--

but YOUR glorious righteousness 

exalts us to YOUR heavenly throne!

All things in us call for our damnation--

but all things in YOU demand 

our forgiveness.

We appeal, then, from YOUR 

throne of perfect justice--

to YOUR throne of boundless grace!

Blessed JESUS, we hide ourselves in 

the sure covert of Your wrath-

appeasing wounds!

Grant us to hear YOUR voice assuring us: 

that by YOUR stripes we are healed; 

that YOU have been bruised for our iniquities; 

that YOU have been made sin for us--

that we might have YOUR divine righteousness; 

and that all our vile and grievous iniquities, 

are forgiven and buried in the ocean 

of YOUR sin-concealing blood!

We are guilty--

yet pardoned!

We are lost in ourselves--

yet fully saved in YOU!

Enable us to cling firmly to YOUR cross--

even as we now seek safety and repose 

beneath its sin-atoning shelter!

Let floods of sustaining grace from 

YOUR inexhaustible treasury, enrich 

our poor and weary souls.

If the enemy approaches, quicken 

our steps to flee into the wounds 

of JESUS as our sure refuge! 

Sheltered in the ark of safetymay 

we cease to tremble at all alarms. 

May YOU our good SHEPHERD lead us 

this day into the green pastures of HIS 

refreshing Word, and cause us to lie down 

beside the rivers of YOUR divine comforts.

These prayers we humbly offer 

in the name of JESUS CHRIST, and

 trusting only in HIS saving merits. 


   ~  ~  ~  ~ 

Here is another uplifting hymn from Annie Johnson Flint, 

"GOD Hath Not Promised".

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