Friday, December 18, 2020

"CHRIST Died For The Ungodly!"

For the ungodly!

(Henry Law)

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"CHRIST died for the ungodly!

Romans 5:6

To redeem poor sinners, JESUS . . .
  came down from Heaven,
  put on the rags of our mortality,

JESUS is made HIS people's . . .

Their debt is placed to HIS account.
HIS riches pay the full amount.

Sin is removed from the sinner--

and placed on the Sinless!

Their curse is rolled on HIM--

and HE endures it until no more remains!

GOD deals with JESUS as the guilty one!

HE, as spotless Deity, receives imputed 

sins, and fully expiates them all.

In the vicarious victim, GOD'S 

justice is satisfied, and wrath expires!

JESUS, in HIS life, in the garden, 

on the cross . . .
  suffers their sufferings,
  dies their death, and
  so becomes their uttermost salvation!

HIS pains are their pardon!

HIS stripes are their healing!

HIS agony is their recovery!

"CHRIST died for the ungodly!

Romans 5:6

   ~  ~  ~  ~

GraceGems has just published Annie Johnson Flint's uplifting hymn, 

"One Day at a Time".

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