Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Let This Mind Be In You, Which Was Also In CHRIST JESUS."

A lamb with a wolf's head!

(J.A. James, "Christian Fellowship" 1822)

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"Take MY yoke upon you and learn from ME, 

for I am gentle and humble in heart" 

Matthew 11:29

"Let this mind be in you, which 

was also in CHRIST JESUS." 

Philippians 2:5

Christians should excel in the manifestation 

of CHRIST'S character. The mind which was 

in JESUS, should be in them. They should 

consider HIS character as a model of their 

own; and be conspicuous for their . . .
  poverty of spirit,
  and love.

It is matter of surprise and regret, that 

many people seem to think that Christianity 

has nothing to do with character! 

And that provided they are free from 

gross sins, and have lively feelings 

in devotional exercises, they may be 

as petulant, irritable, and implacable 

as they please! This is a dreadful error, 

and has done great mischief 

to the cause of GOD!

A sour, ill-natured Christian is like 

a lamb with a wolf's head; or 

like a dove with a vulture's beak!

If there be any one word which above 

all others should describe a Christian's 

character, it is that which represents 

his divine FATHER; and as it is said, 

that 'GOD is Love', so should it be also 

affirmed, that a Christian is love--

love embodied, an incarnation of love! 

His words, his conduct, his very looks--

should be so many expressions of love!

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, 

forgiving each other, just as in CHRIST GOD 

forgave you. Be imitators of GOD, therefore, 

as dearly loved children and live a life of love

just as CHRIST loved us and gave HIMSELF 

up for us!"  Ephesians 4:32-5:2

   ~  ~  ~  ~

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