Tuesday, December 1, 2020

" Let The Light Of YOUR Face Shine Upon Us, O LORD."

This pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, 

and pleasure-inventing age

(J.A. James, "HINDRANCES to Christian Progress")

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A taste for worldly amusements will 

inevitably prove, wherever it is indulged--

a powerful obstacle to growth in grace.

Man is unquestionably made for enjoyment. 

He has a capacity for bliss--

an instinctive appetite for gratification; 

and for this, GOD has made ample

provision of a healthful and lawful kind. 

But "a taste for worldly pleasure" means 

that this GOD-given capacity is directed 

to wrong sources, or carried to an excess.

Now there are some amusements 

which in their very nature are so utterly 

incompatible with true godliness, that 

a liking for them, and a hankering after 

them, and especially an indulgence in them--

cannot exist with real, earnest, 

and serious piety. 

The dissolute parties of the glutton 

and the drunkard;
the fervency for the gambling-table;
the pleasures of the race-course;
the performances of the theater--

are all of this kind. 

A taste for them is utterly uncongenial 

with a spirit of godliness! 

So is a love for the gay and fashionable 

entertainments of the ball-room, and 

the wanton parties of the upper classes. 

These are all unfriendly to true religion, 

and are usually renounced by people 

intent upon the momentous concerns 

of eternity.

We would not doom to perdition, 

all who are at any time found in 

this round of worldly pleasure--

but we unhesitatingly say, that 

a taste for them is entirely opposed 

to the whole spirit of Christianity! 

They are all included in that "world" which 

is overcome by faith and the new birth. 

True religion is, though a happy

a very serious thing--

and can no more live and flourish 

in the uncongenial atmosphere of those 

parties, than could a young tender plant 

survive if brought into a frigid zone.

But in this pleasure-loving, pleasure-

seeking, and pleasure-inventing age

there is a great variety of amusements 

perpetually rising up, which it would be 

impossible to say are sinful, and therefore 

unlawful. Yet the 'supposition of their 

lawfulness' viewed in connection with 

their abundance, variety, and constant 

repetition, is the very thing that makes 

them dangerous to the spirit of true religion.

A taste for even lawful worldly amusements, 

which leads its possessor to be fond of them, 

seeking them, and longing for them--

shows a mind that is in a very poor 

state as to vital piety.

A Christian is not to partake of 

the pleasures of the world, merely 

to prove that his religion does not 

debar him from enjoyment. 

But he is to let it be seen by his 

"peace which passes understanding," and 

his "joy unspeakable and full of glory," 

that his godliness gives far more 

enjoyment than it takes away--

that, in fact, it gives him 

the truest happiness!

The way to win a worldly person to true 

religion is not to go and partake of his 

amusements; but to prove to him that 

we are happier with our pleasures, than 

he is with his; that we bask in full sunshine--

while he has only a smoking candle; 

that we have found the "river of water of life, 

clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne 

of GOD and the LAMB"--

while he is drinking of the muddy 

streams which issue from the earth!

"Many are asking, 'Who can show us 

any good?' Let the light of YOUR face 

shine upon us, O LORD. YOU have filled 

my heart with greater joy than when their 

grain and new wine abound!" Psalm 4:6-7

After all, it is freely admitted--
  1. That true religion is not hostile 

        to anything which is not hostile to it.

  2. That many things which are not strictly 

        pious, though not opposed to piety--

        may be lawfully enjoyed by the Christian.

  3. That what he has to do in this matter is not 

        to practice total abstinence--but "moderation".

  4. Yet the Christian should remember how elastic 

        a term "moderation" is, and to be vigilant lest his 

        moderation should continually increase its latitude, 

        until it has swelled into the imperial tyranny of an 

        appetite which acknowledges no authority--

        and submits to no restraint!

  ~  ~  ~  ~

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