Monday, December 14, 2020

I Am But A Lamb, And Often Fear I Shall Never Be Anything Better.

A poor, weak, and trembling creature

(John Angell James, "Christian Progress" 1853)

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"HE will feed HIS flock like a shepherd. 

HE will carry the lambs in HIS arms, 

holding them close to HIS heart." Isaiah 40:11

Dwell upon the love and tenderness 

of our LORD Jesus!

Notice who are the objects of HIS care

"the lambs," which means not only 

those of tender age--

but also those who have been newly 

converted; those who are young 

in Christian experience; and also 

those whose temperament is naturally 

timid, whose strength is feeble, and 

whose danger is great. 

Yes, you are the objects of CHRIST'S 

special attention, care and solicitude! 

You are those whom HE takes up in 

the arms of HIS power, and lays 

on the bosom of HIS love! 

HE knows . . .
  your weakness,
  your timidity,
  your dangers!

HE will exert for you . . .
  HIS tenderest sympathy,
  HIS greatest vigilance,
  HIS mightiest power.

This expression however not only conveys 

the idea of great care of the weak--

but the exercise of that care with a view 

to their preservation and growth

It means not only that HE will . . .

  cordially receive them,
  provide for their safety,
  be concerned for their comfort, and
  accommodate HIS conduct to their needs--
but HE will also nourish them through their 

infant existence, and raise them up 

to maturity and strength.

Let every lamb of the flock of CHRIST, 

therefore, go to HIM by faith and prayer, 

and say: 

"Blessed JESUS, I come to you as a poor, 

weak, and trembling creature, doubtful 

of my own continuance, and alarmed at 

my numerous difficulties and enemies. 

I am but a lamb, and often fear 

I shall never be anything better. 

But was it not in regard to such 

weakness that YOU have been 

pleased to utter these gracious 

and tender words? I flee to YOU as 

the helpless lamb to its shepherd--

when hungry, to feed it--

or when pursued by wild beasts, 

that he may defend it. 

LORD, take me in the arms of YOUR 

power and lay me on the bosom 

of YOUR love-though I am so poor 

and helpless a creature. I will hope 

in YOUR nurturing power and love, 

that I shall continue to grow, and that 

YOU will one day rejoice in me, as one 

of the flock which YOU have purchased 

with YOUR own blood!"

"YOU are MY flock, the sheep of MY pasture.
 YOU are MY people, and I am your GOD.
 I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!" 

Ezekiel 34:31

"Never again will they hunger; 

never again will they thirst.

 The sun will not beat upon them, 

nor any scorching heat.

 For the LAMB at the center 

of the throne will be their SHEPHERD;

 HE will lead them to springs of living water.
 And GOD will wipe away every tear 

from their eyes!" Revelation 7:16-17 

   ~  ~  ~  ~

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