Monday, December 7, 2020

"All Scripture Is Inspired By GOD, And Is Useful For Teaching."

This heavenly light of truth

(John Angell James)

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"All Scripture is inspired by GOD, and is 

useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting 

and training in righteousness, so that 

the man of GOD may be thoroughly 

equipped for every good work." 

2 Timothy 3:16-17

The doctrines of Scripture are facts 

which involve corresponding emotions 

and principles of action, and must, 

from their very nature, if believed, 

be operative upon the heart and the life.

If the doctrines of Scripture . . .

  exert no godly influence,

  carry with them no practical weight,

  exert no moral power--

they are not truly believed. 

The doctrines of Scripture are at once . . .

  the source of consolation, and

  the means of sanctification. 

The doctrines of Scripture . . .

  come into the mind as knowledge, 

  produce peace and love in the heart

  and spread the beauties of holiness 

over the character and conduct

The doctrines of Scripture are light; 

and like the rays of the sun, they 

sustain life at the root of the vine, 

and produce fruit on its branches.

This heavenly light of truth gives . . .
  spiritual vitality to the soul,
  and holy conduct to the life.

"For our gospel came to you not simply 

with words, but also with power, with 

the HOLY SPIRIT and with deep conviction." 

1 Thessalonians 1:5

"Sanctify them by the truth

YOUR Word is Truth." John 17:17

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We have just published a superb 10 page article, "The Benefits of Sanctified Afflictions" by the New England Tract Society, published in 1820.

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