Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"Yes, HE Is Altogether Lovely. This Is My BELOVED, And This Is My FRIEND!"

Look at the KING in HIS beauty!

(David Harsha, 1827-1895)

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"Your eyes will see the KING in HIS beauty!

Isaiah 33:17

Contemplate your blessed REDEEMER, 

seated on HIS great white throne, encircled 

with heavenly glory. Look at the KING in HIS 

beauty! It is the sight of a glorified SAVIOR, 

that will make the Heaven of the believer.

Endeavor now, by the eye of faith, to behold 

the LORD JESUS in all HIS matchless beauty 

and excellence. Contemplate . . .
  HIS glorious character,
  HIS infinite mercy,
  HIS unparalleled condescension,
  and HIS boundless love!

There is enough in JESUS to employ 

the soul in rapturous meditation 

throughout a vast eternity! 

HIS excellence, HIS goodness, and 

HIS love can never be fathomed! 

O keep your eye fixed on this adorable SAVIOR, 

while you sojourn in this valley of tears; and 

in a little while you shall see HIM as HE is: 

face to face, and ascribe to HIM unceasing praise! 

"Yes, HE is altogether lovely. 

This is my Beloved, and this 

is my Friend!" Song of Songs 5:16

   ~  ~  ~  ~

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