Saturday, November 7, 2020

Afflictions From HIS Sovereign Hand Are Blessings In Disguise!

A striking solution of Samson's riddle
(John Fawcett, "The Sick Man's Employment; 

or Views of Death and Eternity Realized" 1774)

"Before I was afflicted I went astray, 

but now I obey YOUR Word." Psalm 119:67 

"It was good for me to be afflicted so that 

I might learn YOUR decrees." Psalm 119:71 

"I know, O LORD, that YOUR laws are 

righteous, and in faithfulness YOU have 

afflicted me." Psalm 119:75 

"This is the will of GOD, even our 

sanctification." (1 Thessalonians 4:3)

And that afflictive dispensations are 

the appointed means for promoting that 

end, the divine Word abundantly testifies: 

"HE chastens us for our profit, to 

make us partakers of HIS holiness." 

(Hebrews 12:10a)

May we not, then, truly say, 

"Happy is the man whom GOD corrects." 

(Job 5:17)

"Blessed is the man whom YOU chasten

and teach out of Your law." (Psalm 94:12)

1. By afflictions we gain much knowledge 

of ourselves. When corrupt nature is vexed, 

it shows its real self. As in tempestuous 

weather, the chinks and openings in the roofs 

of our houses are most sensibly perceived--

so in sharp afflictions we learn our own 

defects, weaknesses and sins.

2. Afflictions tend to wean us from 

the world. When in uninterrupted health 

and prosperity, we are apt to be too much 

pleased with our present condition, and 

to lose sight of the crown of glory and 

the everlasting mansions above--

the loud alarm of affliction rouses 

us from the enchanting delusion! 

The violence of a tempest impels 

the mariner to long the more 

earnestly for the haven of rest.

3. Afflictions serve to quicken our 

affections to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

While in ease and tranquility, a spirit of 

lethargy too often pervades the mind 

in regard to CHRIST and the blessings of 

HIS salvation. But, when the tides of distress 

and sorrow come rolling in upon us, we are 

willing, we are glad to seek rest in HIM who 

is our only hope and SAVIOR in times of trouble. 

On all these, and many other accounts, 

I hope I can say, 

"It is good for me that I have been afflicted. 

Yes, thanks to my heavenly FATHER for 

the sharpest pains I have felt!"

In truly sanctified afflictions we have 

a striking solution of Samson's riddle

How often, and how remarkably is it 

explained and fulfilled in the experience 

of the saints in times of distress!

"Out of the eater, came something to eat.

 Out of the strong, came something sweet." 

Judges 14:14
How blessed is it that HE who is infinitely 

wise and inconceivably kind, should choose 

our inheritance for us! And how does it befit 

us to acquiesce entirely in His appointment!

Good when HE gives, supremely good,
Nor less when HE denies;
Afflictions from HIS sovereign hand
Are blessings in disguise!

The LORD has just removed my 

dearly loved boy, perhaps to teach 

me that HE has a sovereign right and 

sureme claim to my heart. Amen, 

even so LORD JESUS!

Take my poor heart, and let it be
Forever closed to all but THEE;
O seal my heart, and let me wear
That pledge of love forever there.

   ~  ~  ~  ~

GraceGems has just published John Fawcett's superb 32 page booklet, 

"The Sick Man's Employment; or Views of Death and Eternity Realized".

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