Friday, October 16, 2020

"Wait on the LORD; and HE Shall Strengthen Your Heart; Wait, I Say, On The LORD!"

Would we really rather have things our way?
(Frank Hall)

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"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and 

HE shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, 

on the LORD!" Psalm 27:14

Will we ever learn this? If we would live 

in this world for the honor and glory of CHRIST, 

we must understand that it is our glorious 

privilege and responsibility to wait on our GOD. 

If we would honor the LORD JESUS 

we must wait on HIM faithfully . . .

  believing HIS Word,
  trusting HIS promises,
  resting in HIS finished work as our SAVIOR,
  hiding beneath HIS precious blood,
  depending on HIM for righteousness, 

salvation and acceptance with our GOD.

We must wait on HIM patiently . . .
  without murmuring,
  without complaint,
  without dissatisfaction,
  without discontent.
GOD does not always work immediately, 

but HE always works. HE never performs 

HIS works on our carnal schedule, 

but according to HIS all wise eternal 

purpose of grace. Let us be patient. 

GOD knows what's best for HIS glory 

and our immortal souls. HE knows when, 

where, and how to work deliverance for us--

far better than we do.

We must wait submissively

We must submit our vain wills to HIS 

sovereign, almighty, perfect will. 

We must wait on HIM with a spirit 

of humility and submission--

as children waiting on their father 

to help them, feed them, teach them 

and provide for them. 


(The LORD Will Provide). Our GOD 

will not forget us. It is our responsibility 

to submit ourselves to HIM, HIS will and 

HIS ways.

We must wait on HIM gladly

We quickly forget that not only is it our 

duty to wait on him, but our privilege 

to wait on HIS Majesty. Would we 

really rather have things our way? 

Has not our way proved to be abject misery 

and shame, countless times before? 

Would we rather have our foolish way--

than HIS who is Love, Mercy, and Wisdom? 

Let us, as the dear children of GOD, 

wait on HIM cheerfully.

We must wait on HIM expectantly.
HE will do all that HE has promised.
HE will save us.
HE will remember us.
HE will destroy our enemies.
He will bring us to HIMSELF.
HE will dispel the darkness.
HE will accomplish HIS purpose for us and 

in us. Let us wait on HIM who cannot fail, 

with earnest expectation and lively hope.

We must wait on HIM prayerfully

We must have our eyes perpetually fixed 

upon HIM. Let us give ourselves to constant 

prayer, so that day by day, hour by hour, 

and moment by moment--

we are looking to HIM for fresh 

supplies of mercy and grace to sustain us, 

strengthen us, and keep us to the end.

We must wait on HIM with persistence 

and perseverance. We must be resolute 

and determined to wait on HIM forever 

if needs be. In HIS time, on HIS terms, 

when the time is best, right, and perfect--

HE will come and HE will deliver us from all 

our sorrows, all our troubles, and all our fears.

Children of GOD--

our SAVIOR will never leave us to ourselves!
HE is with us always!
HE loved us!
HE chose us!
HE suffered, bled, and died for us!
HE redeemed us with HIS own precious blood!
HE called us by HIS SPIRITt and gave us life from the dead!
HE has staked HIS glory as GOD, upon our 

everlasting salvation!

HE has promised to do us good, and 

to withhold no good thing from us!

How can we not faithfully, joyfully and 

patiently wait on such a GOD as this?

"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, 

and HE shall strengthen your heart; wait, 

I say, on the LORD!"


~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"


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