Monday, October 19, 2020

Oh Precious Revelation Of Grace! We Lack Nothing, Because In HIM We Have ALL Things.


(Frank Hall)

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 shall not want." Psalm 23:1

The LORD JESUS is everything 

to my needy soul!

HE is my majestic KING, the imperial one 

who graciously rules my heart and my life 

with HIS sovereign scepter of righteousness.

HE is my PROPHET, the one who effectually 

teaches GOD'S Word to my soul.

HE is my great HIGH PRIEST, my MEDIATOR, 

the one who intercedes with GOD on my behalf.


my SHEPHERD! My glorious SHEPHERD 

is HE who graciously forces my soul to lie 

down and rest in the green pastures of GOD'S 

goodness and love. HE ever leads my soul 

beside the still waters of satisfaction, 

peace, and prosperity.

When, in selfishness, carnality and sin, 

my flesh is smitten with desire for 

the poisonous fodder of this decaying 

world, and I wander from HIM--

HE does not cast me off. Rather, 

HE faithfully corrects my sin and 

graciously restores my soul to HIMSELF. 

HE perpetually leads me in the paths 

of righteousness for HIS name's sake. 

All this and more, my merciful SHEPHERD 

does for me freely by HIS grace! 

My SHEPHERD surpasses, in every way 

and at all times, all the would-be 

shepherds of this world.

Never slumbering, HE protects me 

perfectly from all harm with HIS 

omnipotent hand of sovereign power! 

HE feeds, sustains, and fills my hungering 

soul out of the abundance of HIS infinite store! 

Though . . .
  the way is rough and long,
  the path winding and narrow,
  the days dark and dismal,
  the valleys bleak and dreary--

HE gently leads me in infinite mercy 

and unfailing wisdom, ever guiding me 

to that land above that abounds with 

milk and honey! 

Brothers and sisters, our SHEPHERD will 

stop at nothing to bring every one of HIS 

beloved sheep home to Heaven

HE says of HIMSELF, 

"I am the good SHEPHERD; the good 

SHEPHERD gives HIS life for the sheep."

(John 10:11)

Oh precious revelation of grace! 

Sheep of HIS fold, I urge you to pause 

and consider the death of the good SHEPHERD! 

Behold with wonder the sacrifice 

of your SHEPHERD!  HE died--

that you might live forever! 

HE esteems us more precious than 

HIS own life! Oh blessed SHEPHERD,  

thank YOU for taking our sins to YOURSELF 

and putting them away by YOUR own 

precious blood. Children of GOD, 

let us ever sing with brother David, 

"The LORD is my SHEPHERD; 

I shall not want!" (Psalm 23:1)

CHRIST'S sheep lack nothing f

or time and eternity--

because HE is their all-sufficient 


"For from HIS fullness we have all received, 

grace upon grace!" 

The LORD our SHEPHERD will withhold 

no good thing from the sheep of HIS 

pasture. In HIM we have all the fullness 

of GOD'S free salvation, which can 

never be lost.

"We shall not want!" 

We receive the fullness of HIS grace 

in time, because we possessed that 

very same fullness in HIM from 

the foundation of the world. 

We are the possessors of . . .
  everlasting life,
  perfect righteousness,
  eternal redemption,
  pardon from all our sin,
  impeccable holiness,
  unending peace, and
  unalterable acceptance 

with GOD our FATHER!

We lack nothing, because in HIM 

we have all things. HIS boundless 

provision for our souls has no end. 

HIS provision is perfect, infinite, and 

everlasting. GOD help us to depend on HIM . . .
  HIS fullness,
  HIS mercy,
  HIS grace,
  HIS power,
  HIS all-sufficiency as 


"My GOD shall supply all your needs 

according to HIS riches in glory by 

JESUS CHRIST!" (Philippians 4:19)

"Let us therefore come boldly unto 

the throne of grace, that we may obtain 

mercy, and find grace to help in time 

of need!" (Hebrews 4:16)

   ~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring
, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"
Chapter 17. GROWTH IN GRACE   

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