Friday, October 30, 2020

"May You Experience The Love Of CHRIST, Though It Is Too Great To Understand Fully!"

Had one of those holy angels

(David Harsha, "The Death of Christ")

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"CHRIST died for the ungodly!" 

Romans 5:6

O the dying love of the SAVIOR!

If we would learn something of the vastness 

of redeeming love, we must consider the character 

and dignity of HIM by whom it was manifested.

Had one of those holy angels who minister 

in the presence of GOD clothed himself with 

garments of humanity, and amid the most 

intense and indescribable sufferings, 

finished his earthly course on a cross, 

for the purpose of redeeming a race of 

sinners from everlasting destruction--

how immeasurable would have been 

the benevolence displayed in such 

a condescending act! 

It must have filled us with amazement, 

and excited the strongest feelings of gratitude.

But how shall we express our admiration and praise . . .
  when we see HIM whom seraphim adore, 

stooping from heaven to earth--

to encircle vile sinners in the arms of HIS mercy;
  when we see HIM, who is infinite in power, 

and majesty, and riches and glory--

voluntarily placing HIMSELF in the room 

of rebels on earth;

  when we see JESUS, the brightness 

of HIS FATHER'S glory, stretched upon 

the cross, racked with the most intense 

pain of body and soul, and suffering for sins, 

the just for the unjust, that HE might bring us to GOD!

How amazing that HE, who, by HIS infinite power, 

could have at once annihilated our rebellious race, 

or consigned us to everlasting punishment--

should, for a season . . .
  divest HIMSELF of HIS heavenly glory,
  visit rebellious earth,
  stoop so low in humiliation,
  become so poor,
  suffer so much,
  endure such a shameful, 

painful, and accursed death--
for the purpose of making vile sinners eternally 

rich, holy, and happy in the Paradise of GOD! 

"May you have the power to understand, 

as all GOD'S people should, how wide, how 

long, how high, and how deep HIS love is. 

May you experience the love of CHRIST, 

though it is too great to understand fully!" 

Ephesians 3:18-19

   ~  ~  ~  ~

GraceGems has posted John MacArthur's challenging article, 

Christianity's Quest For 'Relevance'

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