Saturday, October 3, 2020

"How Great Is The Love The FATHER Has Lavished On Us, That We Should Be Called Children Of GOD!"

The most precious thing in heaven or earth

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"But GOD demonstrates HIS own love 

for us in this: While we were still sinners, 

CHRIST died for us." Romans 5:8

In giving CHRIST to die for poor sinners, 

GOD gave the richest jewel in HIS cabinet; 

a mercy of the greatest worth, and most 

inestimable value.

Heaven itself is not so valuable and 

precious as CHRIST is! 

Ten thousand thousand worlds--

as many worlds as angels can number, 

would not outweigh CHRIST'S love, 

excellency and sweetness! 

O what a lovely ONE! What an 

excellent, beautiful, ravishing ONE--


Put the beauty of ten thousand 

paradises, like the garden of Eden, 

into one; put all flowers, all fragrances, 

all colors, all tastes, all joys, all sweetness, 

all loveliness into one; O what a lovely 

and excellent thing would that be!

And yet it should be less to that loveliest 

and dearest well-beloved CHRIST--

than one drop of rain compared to all 

the seas, rivers, lakes, and fountains 

of ten thousand earths!

Now, for GOD to bestow the mercy 

of mercies, the most precious 

thing in heaven or earth, upon 

poor sinners and, as great, as lovely, 

as excellent as HIS SON was--

what kind of love is this! 

"How great is the love the FATHER 

has lavished on us, that we should 

be called children of GOD!" 1 John 3:1 


~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"

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