Tuesday, October 6, 2020

HE Who Has Mercy On Whom HE Will Have Mercy, Has Not Left Us To Ourselves!

None are too sinful, too base, 

too vile, or too far gone  

Don Fortner, Play Audio  Download Audio
You will find it helpful to listen to the audio 

above, as you READ the text below.

"A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus

he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 

 JESUS said to him: Today salvation has 

come to this house!" Luke 19:2, 9 

It is always profitable for our souls 

to read about the conversion of a sinner 

by GOD'S omnipotent grace. It is especially 

profitable to read and study the stories 

of GOD'S converting grace given 

to us in the pages of Holy Scripture. 

We should read them often and study 

them with care, asking GOD the HOLY 

SPIRIT to teach us the wonders of HIS 

grace. When we read about these 

conversions we find our hearts saying, 

"That is what the LORD has done for me!"

We see here the story of Zacchaeus' 

conversion by the LORD JESUS. 

He was saved by omnipotent grace. 

What HE did for Zacchaeus, HE still does 

for sinners today. Never cease to adore 

and give thanks to GOD our SAVIOR for 

HIS sovereign, distinguishing grace! 

HE who has mercy on whom HE will 

have mercy, has not left us to ourselves!

Grace Omnipotent

Zacchaeus' conversion tells us that 

the grace of GOD that brings salvation 

is omnipotent and irresistible. None 

are too sinful, too base, too vile, 

or too far gone for CHRIST to save! 

HIS arm is not shortened that HE 

cannot save. Oh, no! HIS mighty 

arm is omnipotent in the operations 

of HIS grace! None are beyond 

the reach of HIS omnipotent mercy! 

Here is a notorious publican 

  transformed into a saint. 

Here is a rich man made to pass 

through the needle's eye into 

   the kingdom of GOD. 

Here is a covetous man transformed 

instantaneously into a self-sacrificing 


Our all-glorious, ever-gracious CHRIST 

is able to save to the uttermost! 

Here is a Physician before whom 

none are incurable! Yes, JESUS 

CHRIST still makes the lame to walk 

again and causes the blind to see! 

Sovereign Election

Salvation comes to chosen sinners 

because the purpose of GOD according 

to election is sure. Like you and me, 

Zacchaeus was . . .

  a sinner by birth,

  a sinner by nature,

  a sinner by choice, and 

  a sinner by practice

But he was distinguished from all 

others in the crowd that day by GOD'S 

distinguishing grace, and effectually 

called because GOD had from the 

beginning chosen him to salvation.

O my soul, roll these things over 

in your heart day by day. Never 

lose sight of them. The SON of 

GOD had HIS eye upon you from 

eternity, just as HE had HIS eye 

upon Zacchaeus. 

You were chosen by HIM in 

everlasting love! (Ephesians 1:3-4)

Your name was written in the Book 

of Life before the worlds were made! 

(Revelation 13:8; Luke 10:20)

You were one of those sheep given 

to the Good SHEPHERD by the FATHER 

from old eternity! (John 10:27-29).

   ~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"


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