Sunday, October 25, 2020

"For Those Whom HE Foreknew, HE Also Predestined To Become Conformed To The Image Of HIS SON!"

GOD'S workmanship!
(Frank Hall)
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"For we are GOD'S workmanship, created 

in CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD 

prepared beforehand so that we would walk 

in them." Ephesians 2:10

There is an infinite difference between 

the materials that men employ to construct 

and compose their masterpieces--

and the materials that GOD uses to 

create sinners anew in CHRIST JESUS. 

Men work with the best of materials 

to showcase their talents, but 

GOD works with the worst--

to showcase HIS power, wisdom 

and skill.

The most gifted sculptors carve their 

creations out of the finest pieces of ivory, 

marble and jade. The best jewelers seek 

only the finest gold and silver to form 

their bracelets and rings--

they utilize only the most desirable 

gems to adorn their jewelry; rubies 

of the highest grade, diamonds 

of most exquisite clarity, and 

emeralds of impeccable luster. 

Da Vinci painted on a clean canvas 

with fresh paint when he painted 

the Mona Lisa. Beethoven and Bach 

chose blank sheets of clean white paper 

upon which to compose their symphonies.

But GOD is not like men. HIS thoughts 

are not our thoughts, and HIS ways are 

not our ways. GOD employs, not the best, 

not the finest, not the most appealing of

materials when creating HIS masterpieces--

but the worst! 

HE uses what no one else wants. 

HE uses the offscouring of humanity--

to display HIS handiwork and magnify 

HIS grace. 

GOD constructs HIS masterpiece, not 

from a perfectly shaped piece of ivory--

but from a deformed, twisted, marred 

chunk of hard rough stone that has 

no attraction.

GOD has purposed to conform HIS 

redeemed people into the pristine 

image of HIS darling SON. 

While keeping HIS eye fixed upon 

HIS SON, using the chisel of HIS grace--

GOD sculpts rebel sinners into 

the likeness of CHRIST!

GOD paints, not on a clean white canvas--

but on a canvas that has been . . .
  stained with sin,
  spotted with corruption, and
  bespattered with the filth of the fall.

As the perfect PAINTER, GOD looks to 

CHRIST HIS MODEL, and, with the brush 

of omnipotent mercy in HIS ever steady 

hand of sovereign power--

HE begins to paint HIS children, one 

by one, into the family portrait; 

tracing every line with divine precision, 

filling in every grace with unfailing accuracy, 

accentuating every corner of their character 

with a whole array of heavenly hues:
  blues of faith and surrender,
  violets of honesty and godly fear,
  greens of tenderness and gratitude,
  reds of love and compassion,
  yellows of patience and perseverance--
painting them all in the similitude 

of CHRIST HIS beloved SON!

GOD does not compose HIS symphony 

on a blank piece of sheet music. Rather, 

HE blots out the discordant notes 

of sin, rebellion, and impurity--

and with the permanent ink 

of immutable grace, HE rewrites 

the sorrowful sonnet of sin

transforming it into the song 

of salvation, inscribing on our hearts 

the heavenly notes of free forgiveness, 

eternal life, and everlasting righteousness 

through CHRIST our SAVIOR! 

With heavenly wisdom and unseen skill, 

GOD makes the sad song of human misery--

into a glorious gospel melody, a tune that 

sounds best when played on the broken 

instruments of contrite hearts!

Our GOD has . . . .
  done the unthinkable,
  saved the unsavable,
  fixed the unfixable!

HE has created a masterpiece using 

a rotting chunk of fallen humanity as 

HIS workpiece! What a wonder! 

By the grace and power of GOD, 

"The king's daughter is all glorious 

within!" (Psalm 45:13)

When GOD'S work is all done,
when HIS poem is finished,
when HIS symphony composed,
and HIS masterpiece complete--
HE will present us to HIMSELF holy 

and without blemish, 

"a glorious church, having no spot, or 

wrinkle, or any such thing!" (Ephesians 5:27)

GOD'S work of grace in us begins in regeneration 

and conversion. It continues until the day when 

our salvation is consummated in resurrection 

glory, when we will be perfectly conformed 

to the image of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

"For those whom HE foreknew, HE also 

predestined to become conformed to 

the image of HIS SON!" Romans 8:29

   ~  ~  ~  ~

Please watch this uplifting sermon by Pastor John Samson, 

"But I Chose You".

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