Friday, October 9, 2020

"For I Have Not Come To Call The Righteous, But Sinners To Repentance!"

If you meet that poor wretch 

who thrust his spear into MY side!
(Benjamin Grosvenor, 1676-1758, "The Temper 

of JESUS CHRIST towards HIS Enemies, and 

HIS Grace to the Chief of Sinners")

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"Repentance and forgiveness of sins 

will be preached in HIS name to all 

nations, beginning at Jerusalem." 

Luke 24:47

It is very affecting that the first 

offers of grace should be made to 

those who, of all people in the world--

had done HIM the most harm! 

One would rather have expected 

the apostles would have received 

another kind of charge, and that 

CHRIST would have said, 

"Let repentance and forgiveness 

of sins be preached--

but do NOT carry it to Jerusalem, 

that wicked city, that has been 

the slaughter-house of my prophets, 

whom I have often sent. 

Last of all, I myself, the SON, came--

and with wicked hands, they have 

crucified and murdered ME! 

They may do the same to you! 

Do not let the gospel enter those 

wicked gates, through which they 

led ME, its Author, to crucifixion!"

But CHRIST singles out exactly 

these murderous people of Jerusalem--

to make monuments of HIS mercy

and commands the first offer 

of eternal life to be made to them!  

As if our LORD had said: 

"Lest the poor house of Israel 

should think themselves abandoned 

to eternal despair--

as cruel and vile as they have been--

go, make the first offer of grace to them! 

Let those who spilled MY blood--

be welcome to its healing virtue. 

Tell them that there is repentance 

and forgiveness, even for them!

"Nay, if you meet that poor 

wretch who thrust his spear 

into MY side, tell him that there 

is another way, a better way 

of coming to MY heart--

even MY heart's love! 

Tell him, that if he will repent, 

and look upon ME whom he has 

pierced, and will mourn--

then I will cherish him in that very 

bosom which he has wounded! 

Tell him that he shall find 

the blood which he has shed--

to be an ample atonement 

for the sin of shedding it! 

And tell him from ME, that 

he will put ME to more pain 

and displeasure by refusing 

this offer of MY blood--

than when he first drew it forth!"

"For I have not come to call 

the righteous, but sinners to 

repentance!" Matthew 9:13

   ~  ~  ~  ~

Gardiner Spring, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character"
Chapter 10. FAITH IN CHRIST 

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